How do we end domestic abuse? – The Trap podcast series by Victorian Women’s Trust
Dear good folks at WLS WA,
I am making contact with you at the end of another torrid, brutal year for women in our national parliament when it comes to matters of sexual harassment, sexual assault and bullying. Here at the Victorian Women’s Trust, we have been working for a long time on issues of women’s safety; knowing for sure that gender equality holds the key to our society ridding itself of gendered violence and abuse. The fact that women in politics experience high levels of abuse, assault, harassment, manipulation and belittlement is a direct reflection of a dominant masculine culture which does not respect them as equals.
Throughout 2021, we have released ten episodes of a podcast series called The Trap, in collaboration with Jess Hill. This series takes a fresh look at dynamics of abuse and coercive control. The first half of the series explores abuse within family and intimate partner settings. The second half of the series looks at how those same abusive and controlling dynamics exist in our criminal justice system, our workplaces and national institutions. The final episode was released on 25 November and draws direct links between domestic abuse and coercive control, and the domineering behaviour, bullying, intimidation, sexism and misogyny that are portrayed as part of the rough and tumble of politics in our country.
We know your schedules are full, but we urge you to make time to listen to the series in its entirety. You can access all episodes of The Trap here. At the very least, we suggest you put one hour aside soon and listen to Episode 10. The issue of gendered violence and abuse must command more attention and political commitment. We have to find new understandings and new energies to change things for the better within and beyond our national parliament.
Best wishes,
Mary Crooks AO
How to contact FASS (Family Advocacy and Support Service) in WA. If you need help with your legal or non-legal issues from a duty lawyer or FASS social support worker, please call (08) 9224 8690.
You can also contact them by email:
They provide support and legal help if you are affected by domestic and family violence and have a family law issue.
They can help you if you have experienced domestic and family violence or someone says you have used violence
Their lawyer can assist with:
- Arrangements for children
- Domestic Violence Orders (known as Family Violence Restraining Orders or FVROs)
- Property after separation
- Divorce
- Child Support
- Child protection
- Applying for legal aid
- Some urgent court matters
Their support worker can:
- Help you plan for your safety
- Talk to the Family Courts about your safety at court
- Give you information and support during your family law case
- Help with practical problems like Centrelink and housing
- Advocate for you with services like police
- Connect you with men’s behaviour change programs or other services
How can I get help?
You can see a lawyer or support worker by going to Perth Family Court.
If you are in a regional area, you can see a lawyer or support worker in Bunbury, Albany, Broome, Geraldton and Kalgoorlie when the Family Court is there on circuit.
At other times, you can call the Infoline on 1300 650 579 or visit your local Legal Aid office.
Family Violence Tenancy Law changes video:
· Arabic;
· Burmese;
· English;
· Chinese;
· Somali; and
· Vietnamese.
Protective Services is focused on keeping individuals, organisations and their workforce safe from physical and technology facilitated abuse.
Information about options for renters affected by family and domestic violence.
Family and Domestic Violence Financial Assistance Program
Support for people on temporary visas who are experiencing domestic and family violence.
Family and domestic violence is any conduct that makes you fear for your or your family’s safety and wellbeing. Physical violence includes any violent behaviour that is directed at you, your family, pets or property.
Family violence offences and Serial Family Violence Offenders
Anyone who commits a ‘family violence offence’ may face serious consequences, including the possibility of being declared a Serial Family Violence Offender, which
also has serious consequences.
Provide support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children in the Perth metropolitan area affected by family violence and/or sexual assault. They are Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women, mothers and sisters who care about the future of Aboriginal communities. They have personal and professional experience and understanding of family violence.
Domestic and family violence
Support and assistance for the community including managing emergencies, public housing, welfare, and financial support.
Provide legal and support services for all Aboriginal people who have experienced family violence or sexual assault.
Domestic and family violence can cause financial hardship. This service provides steps to get help with financial hardship caused by domestic and family violence.
What is Considered Sexual Assault? A Guide on Sexual Assault.
If you’re searching for advice on what to do after a sexual assault, consider this step-by-step guide for a detailed overview of what to do immediately following the incident, your rights, sexual assault laws in your state, and how to seek help with filing a sexual assault claim.
Daisy is a free app that connects you to services in your local area. You can create a list of services and save them. These could be legal, housing, financial and children’s services. You can also search the internet with Daisy and understand what to expect when contacting a service.
Download Daisy from Google Play or App Store.
Family and Domestic Violence Financial Assistance Program Translated Flyers