Thank you to Newmont Australia for their generous funding to support the Me, Myself & Money Program.
Module 1 in the Me, Myself & Money learning program introduces the difference between equal and respectful relationships and unequal and financially abusive relationships, and how your strengths can be used to help you manage your money.
Module 1 – Learning module
Module 1 – Workbook
Welcome to Module 2 in the Me, Myself & Money Learning Program. In this module we are going to be looking at what your spending priorities are, the difference between fixed and flexible costs and what spending leaks are, and how to plug them!
Module 2 – Learning Module
Module 2 – Workbook
Module 3 in this learning program explores how to create a money plan, the difference between income and expenses, how you can boost your income and reduce your expenses, and how to write a SMART money goal.
Module 3 – Learning program
Module 3 – Workbook
The fourth module in the Me, Myself & Money learning program is all about how wants and needs in a family can be different, why talking/yarning about money is important, and why kids should learn how to manage money.
Module 4 – Learning program
Module 4 – Workbook
In the last module, the difference between credit and debit will be explored along with what a credit report is, and some things you can do to avoid debt traps.
Module 5 – Learning program
Module 5 – Workbook
FCAWA is located on land belonging to the Whadjuk Noongar people, and we recognise their connection to country. Sovereignty was never ceded. Always was, always will be Aboriginal land.