FCAWA is a respected peak body with well-developed links and networks to other services and organisations in the public, not for profit, and private realm. We are considered as experts in financial hardship, financial literacy, and financial counselling. We focus on identifying emerging issues, recording current trends and responding to social and systemic issues in the social services sector.
FCAWA advocate to government on behalf of our members and consumers. We work with business and industry to improve terms, conditions and outcomes for consumers. We provide our members with vital news, insights and support.
FCAWA draws on more than 30 years experience as a leading membership peak and trainer. Our highly experienced trainers deliver a variety of workshops to a range of audiences including financial counsellors, community service workers, industry dealing with debt and hardship, state and local government and legal services. Our trainers are passionate about sharing knowledge and experience.
Download FCAWA’s FCAWA Consultation & Workshops Flyer or read more about our consultation and workshops. Alternatively, contact us to discuss your requirements.
FCAWA is located on land belonging to the Whadjuk Noongar people, and we recognise their connection to country. Sovereignty was never ceded. Always was, always will be Aboriginal land.