Financial Counselling Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery Framework

Financial counselling is a free, confidential and independent service provided by qualified professionals, that assists individuals and small businesses in financial difficulty for as long as needed.

The purpose of this Framework is to enhance community resilience to disasters. It informs the WA financial counselling sector, and the broader community, on the role that financial counselling plays in disaster preparedness, response and recovery. The Framework provides general guidance for agency managers offering financial counselling services, and for financial counsellors and capability workers. It is also intended to be shared with different organisations so that they can better understand the support that the financial counselling sector can provide in disaster management.

In the context of disasters, the services provided by financial counsellors are essential, especially for the most vulnerable. They provide valuable support across time, in disaster preparedness, response and recovery activities, helping communities become more disaster resilient by building on key learnings (Figure 1). Apart from offering practical guidance and assistance on financial matters, financial counsellors provide emotional support in times of stress, and connect clients with essential services and community organisations, thereby allowing clients to focus their efforts on personal and financial recovery.

The following graphic visually depicts some of the activities that can take place across disaster phases. In the preparedness phase activities take place alongside regular financial counselling casework. When disaster strikes, financial counselling support can be provided during the response phase and is central to disaster recovery work and this can last many months and even years. As time passes, recovery work can continue alongside regular financial counselling casework and sharing of disaster learnings and preparedness activities which build disaster resilience.