8 July 2020

Banks to extend mortgage loans for four months where assessed as eligible

2 July 2020

Early release of Super through the ATO information

24 June 2020

Rent relief grants

The state government has in the last few days quietly widened the eligibility for the rent relief scheme- which can pay up to $2000 per tenant. Importantly the grant is now open to all temporary visa holders who have work rights. There is now also no requirement to have entered into a rent repayment agreement.Revised eligibility criteria:

  • You are a tenant or sub-tenant in a residential property, or a resident living in a rooming house, or residential park
  • You live in Western Australia and you are permitted to live and work in Australia
  • If you live in a residential property, you have, or shortly will have, lodged a tenancy bond with the Bond Administrator
  • You are in ‘financial hardship’, meaning
    • You lost your job on or after 20 March 2020 due to COVID-19; and
    • You have less than $10,000 in personal savings; and
    • You pay more than 25 per cent of your current after-tax income in rent per week

Tenants are encouraged to apply.

18 June 2020

Update on Supplement Payments