Aboriginal Family Law Service
For ATSI clients experiencing FDV or sexual assault. Assisting survivors only not perpetrators.
Located in metro area but outreach to several locations
Website: www.afls.org.au
Telephone: 1800 469 246
Email: corporateadmin@afls.org.au

Aboriginal Legal Service
ALSWA provides legal support and representation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in WA
in Civil and Human Rights Law, Criminal Law, Family Law and Child protection online info sessions.
You can also contact for general Q&A.
Website: https://www.als.org.au
Telephone: 1800 019 900 or 08 9265 6666
Email: reception@als.org.au

Arts Law Centre of Australia
Arts Law gives free or low-cost legal advice to artists and arts organisations all over Australia on a wide
range of arts-related legal and business issues. Such matters include contracts, copyright, moral rights,
trade marks, business names and structures, defamation, insurance and employment.
Website: www.artslaw.com.au
Telephone: (02) 9356 2566 or 1800 221 457 (toll-free)
Email: artslaw@artslaw.com.au

Asian Association of WA
Offers pro bono legal assistance with Restraining Orders and Family Law to the Asian community in WA,
amongst a range of other services
Website: www.aaawa.org.au
Telephone: 9328 6202 or 9328 1160
Email: gm@aaawa.org.au

Circle Green Community Legal
Help with legal issues related to tenancy, migration and family & domestic violence.
Website: www.circlegreen.org.au
Telephone: 08 6148 3636
Email: enquiries@circlegreen.org.au

Citizens Advice Bureau
Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) is an independent, not-for-profit organisation. They provide information and
referral, a low-cost legal advice service on a wide range of issues, and a mediation service.
Website: www.cabwa.com.au
Telephone: 08 9221 5711
Email: Contact can be made via contact page www.cabwa.com.au/contact-us

Community legal WA the peak body for CLC’s around WA
Bookmark this page for list of centres located throughout metropolitan, regional and remote Western
Website: www.communitylegalwa.org.au/Pages/FAQs/Category/clc-location?Take=26

Consumer Credit Legal Service WA (CCLSWA)
For credit law concerns and client resources (not for small business). Online information sessions on hot
topics. Members can also contact directly for general Q&A.
Website: www.cclswa.org.au
Telephone: 08 9221 7066
Email: cclswa@cclswa.org.au

Detail on CLCs around the state refer to Citizens Advice Bureau CLC chart
Website: www.cabwa.com.au/get-legal-advice/community-legal-centres-wa

Everyday Justice
A national free legal service to help people who cannot afford a lawyer but have “everyday” legal issues in
the following areas:
• Employment workplace issues
• Tenancy housing and eviction
• Credit, debt and bankruptcy issues
• Financial abuse matters
• Fines and infringements
• Human Rights
• Climate change law
• Public interest law
Website: www.everydayjustice.com.au
Telephone: 1800 161 196
Email: info@everydayjustice.com.au

Financial Rights Legal Centre – Insurance Law Service
Operates under the Financial Rights Legal Centre providing information, tools and guidance specialising in
insurance to consumers and FCs Australia-wide.
Website: www.insurancelaw.org.au
Telephone: 1300 663 464 (Insurance Hotline)
Email: Contact can be made via the web enquiry form www.insurancelaw.org.au/about-us/contact-us/

Fremantle Community Legal Centre (FCLC)
Provides tenancy assistance and legal services to low-income members of the community in the areas of
Family Law, Minor Civil and Civil matters; Criminal matters; Employment Law and Inheritance, Wills and
Website: www.fremantle.wa.gov.au/fclc
Telephone: 08 9432 9790
Email: fclc@fremantle.wa.gov.au

Help when attending Court
Duty Lawyer or Court appointed legal assistance
Family Lawyer
Criminal Lawyer

John Curtin Law Clinic
Part of the Curtin University Law School. Small business and discrimination law advice service.
Website: www.engage.curtin.edu.au/partnerships/business-industry/john-curtin-law-clinic/
Email: lawclinic@curtin.edu.au

Law Society of WA’s Law Access Service
Available to those in need of legal assistance who satisfy a means and merits test. A last resort for those
who cannot get legal assistance from CLC’s or Legal Aid. Please use online application form to refer
through a client. You can support your client through this process.
Website: www.lawaccess.org.au
Telephone: 9324 8600
Email: info@lawsocietywa.asn.au

Legal Aid WA
Legal services and information in the following areas:
• Civil law (Social Inclusion Program available for those that are vulnerable and at risk of social
exclusion under this area of law. There may be a wait time)
• Family law
• Mortgage stress
Questions can be emailed for guidance
Weekly Legal Aid Chat Hour Q&A – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82772817556
Website: www.legalaid.wa.gov.au
Telephone: 1300 650 579
Email: civiladmin@legalaid.gov.au

Mental Health Law Centre
Free advice for people with mental illness in the areas of Criminal Injuries Compensation, Involuntary
treatment, Guardianship and Administration
Website: www.mhlc.org.au
Telephone: 1800 620 285
Email: reception@mhlcwa.org.a

Midlas lawyers provides free legal assistance and advice in the areas of Family Law (children’s issues),
Family Violence and Criminal Injuries Compensation.
Website: www.midlas.org.au
Telephone: 08 9250 2123
Email: An appointment can be requested via the online booking form www.midlas.org.au/contact

Multicultural Legal Centre out of the Multicultural Services Centre of WA
Providing culturally and linguistically diverse communities (CaLD) equal access to the justice system in the
areas of Personal injury, Worker’s Compensation, Motor Vehicle accidents, CIC, Employment, Wills,
Probate and Power of attorney; VRO’s and MRO’s; Superannuation and Insurance
Website: https://mscwa.com.au/publications/archive/multicultural-legal-centre
Telephone: 9328 1544
Email: legal@mscwa.com.au

Small Business Debt Helpline (operated by FCA)
For small businesses affected by a bushfire or COVID-19
Website: www.smallbusinessbushfire.org.au
Telephone: 1800 413 828
Email: info@smallbusinessbushfire.org.au

Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC)
Free advice to small business owners in WA including workshops
Website: www.smallbusiness.wa.gov.au
Telephone: 13 31 40
Email: info@smallbusiness.wa.gov.au

Street Law Centre WA
Street Law is a free outreach legal service for the homeless and those at risk of homelessness in Western
Australia. Areas of assistance include: Fines, Criminal Law, ID, CIC, Police complaints; Restraining Orders,
Debts, Early release of superannuation and Discrimination
Website: www.streetlawcentre.org.au
Telephone: 1800 752 992
Email: Contact can be made via contact page www.streetlawcentre.org.au/contact-us/

Sussex Street Community Law Services (SSCLS)
Provides legal services in the areas of to low-income people in the community including disability
Website: www.sscls.asn.au
Telephone: 08 6253 9500
Email: sscls@sscls.asn.au

Welfare Rights & Advocacy Service (WA)
Assisting all in WA with Social Security prosecution; Catchment areas for Tenancy and Centrelink/Family
Provide information sessions, FCs can call and ask questions, obtain resources and refer clients.
Website: www.wraswa.org.au
Telephone: 08 9328 1751
Email: welfare@wraswa.org.au

Women’s Legal Service WA
Offers a range of legal services to women in WA in the areas of Family Law, Family Violence, Protection
and Care and Criminal Injuries Compensation relating to FDV, assault and sexual assault. Client Services
Officers can provide general legal information. The Djinda Service being a Perth Aboriginal Family
Violence Prevention Legal Service for Women operates under the Women’s Legal Service.
Website: www.wlswa.org.au
Telephone: 08 9272 8800 or 1800 625 122 (country callers)
Email: info@wlswa.org.au

Youth Legal Service Perth
Youth Legal Service is a not-for-profit organisation providing free professional legal services to children and
young people across Western Australia.
Website: www.youthlegalserviceinc.com.au
Telephone: 08 9202 1688
Email: yls@youthlegalserviceinc.com.au