Energy Ombudsman Western Australia
The Energy and Water Ombudsman receives and resolves complaints about electricity, gas and water services providers.
Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)
Provide consumers and small businesses with fair, free and independent dispute resolution for financial complaints.
Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman
The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman provides an independent dispute resolution service for telephone and internet complaints.
Private Health Insurance Ombudsman
Making A Complaint.
Ombudsman Western Australia
Government Departments, Statutory Authorities and local governments
Department of Commerce
You will be able to find information and complaint forms about businesses or traders.
Puts you in touch with people who can help you with your complaint (though your service provider should be given the first opportunity). The Complaintline helps you understand your rights and responsibilities.
This is a system that asks you up to eight simple questions to help you see whether or not the Commissioner may be able to investigate your complaint under the Privacy Act.
How to Complain
Who to contact for information or assistance, and whether you should lodge a complaint about a company, organisation or person with another agency or report your concerns to ASIC.
Department of Housing Appeals
The appeal process allows you to have an unfavourable decision made by the Housing Authority reviewed.
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) conducts independent merits review of administrative decisions made under Commonwealth laws.