Casework Resources

Service Agreement
Sample letter about your service to clients.

Contents of a File

What to include, why they are needed and more.

Legal Aspects of Running a Financial Counselling service

Scope of engagement, complaints, information versus advice, complexity and more.

Authorisation Form

Approved by FCA and industry.  



Your Money & Financial Wellbeing
Booklet developed by Ishar in various languages.

Your Money Your Choice
Managing your money well takes practice and patience This booklet will help you get started.

My Money Book 
Sussex Street Community Law Centre

Debt Got You Down?
A guide to helping your change your contract to repayments you can manage.



‘Your Toolkit’ guides women through 4 steps to achieve financial freedom.



There’s an APP for that!

The following apps do not have in-app purchases.  We do not endorse or have affiliation with any of these apps:






Keeps track of all your daily spending and shows a daily left-to-spend amount.

Daily Expenses





Helps you understand how you are spending “your” money.

Cash Flow Planner






Track income and expenses

Simple Budget Planner






Simple Budgeting App

Electronic Budgeting Tools

Budget Planner
MoneySmart’s online Budget Planner

Savings Goal Calculator
Helps you work out:
o How long it will take to reach your savings goals
o Steps to take to put your plan into action

Compound Interest Calculator
Helps you work out:
o What money you’ll have if you save a regular amount
o How compounding increases your savings
o The difference between saving now and saving later