Bankruptcy Toolkit
A joint project between Financial Rights Legal Centre and Lismore and District Financial Counselling service, with funding provided by the Department of Social Services.
AFSA’s Client Service Charter
The Client Service Charter covers AFSA’s services and sets out service commitments and standards. It also includes information on how clients and stakeholders can provide feedback or make a complaint.
Translated information
In order to make essential information about personal insolvency and AFSA’s services more accessible, AFSA now has a range of information available in languages other than English.
Indexed Amounts
The Bankruptcy Act and Regulations contain a number of thresholds, limits and other amounts that are regularly indexed (changed in line with the Consumer Price Index or the base pension rate).
Includes forms for declaring bankruptcy, lodging a debt agreement proposal and forms for creditors.
Help! I’m Being Made Bankrupt!
Factsheet about being made bankrupt from the Financial Rights Legal Centre.
Should I Consider Bankruptcy?
Factsheet about bankruptcy from the Financial Rights Legal Centre.
Debt Agreements
Debt Agreement fact sheet.
Debt Agreement Brokers
Risks, dangers, alternatives and if already signed up and unhappy – options.