Who are FCAWA?
FCAWA is a respected peak body with well-developed links and networks to other services and organisations in the public, not for profit, and private realm. They are considered an expert in financial hardship, financial literacy, and financial counselling. They focus on identifying emerging issues, recording current trends and responding to social and systemic issues in the social services sector.
What is Financial Counselling?
Financial counselling is a free, confidential and independent service, facilitated by trained professionals to help individuals and small businesses experiencing financial hardship. They provide their clients with information, support and advocacy and work with government, banks, utilities, debt collection and other stakeholders, to improve approaches to financial difficulty for vulnerable consumers.
What is FCAWA’s role?
FCAWA support financial counsellors and their clients through education, information, resources, and relevant casework support. They liaise on behalf of financial counsellors and their clients, with state and federal governments, organisations, businesses and those whose policies affect consumers. FCAWA act on policy advice, submissions for better outcomes and changes to legislation.
FCAWA also provide training to a range of organisations in metro and regional WA.
What services do FCAWA offer?
FCAWA offer the following consultations and workshops:
- Hardship Policy Consultation
- Family & Domestic Violence Policy Consultation
- Financial Hardship Workshop
- Financial Hardship impacted by Family Violence Workshop
- Customised Consultation, Workshops and Webinars
What’s FCAWA’s history in the sector?
The Financial Counsellors’ Association of WA (FCAWA) was incorporated in 1985 and the primary objectives are to establish, monitor and improve standards for financial counsellors in Western Australia. FCAWA is unique as the peak body to support financial counsellors and their clients through education, information, resources, and relevant legal support.
Financial counselling in Australia is regulated through the Financial Services Reform Act 2001. Legislative recognition further highlights the need to have adequate legal support available for financial counsellors to support the most vulnerable of consumers.
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) granted conditional exemption from the licensing obligations for not-for-profit financial counselling services (under Class Order 03/1063 of the Corporations Act 2001 gazetted on 16.12.03). This exemption requires certain conditions to be met and these include:
- The service provided is limited to financial product advice of the types described in Class Order 03/163 and counsellors must not give advice about purchasing certain investment products.
- No fees or charges are paid by the clients.
- The agency does not get remuneration from any action undertaken for the client.
- The agency ensures the counsellors are members, or are eligible to be members, of a Financial Counselling Association.
- The agency ensures its counsellors have undertaken appropriate training to ensure they have adequate skills and knowledge to satisfactorily provide the service.
Federal legislation to protect the terms came into effect on 1 March 2013. Section 160C of the Consumer Credit and Corporations Legislation Amendment (Enhancements) Bill 2011 and restricts the use of the terms ‘financial counsellor’ and ‘financial counselling’ to organisations that provide financial counselling services as prescribed under the National Consumer Credit Protection Regulations 2010.